Media and events
The OECD forum network published an article about the Youth Transition project:
News on our project was presented on the website of the Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia.
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An article entitled Vloga socialnega dela pri prehodu mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela (Eng.: The role of social work when young people with special needs are entering the labour market), written by our expert professional Katja Verbovšek Zabukovec, was published in the scientific journal Socialno delo.
An article entitled »Za vsakega se najde delo, le najti ga je treba« (Eng.:A suitable job exists for everyone; the key is finding it.) was published in Delo daily newspaper.
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An article entitled “Projekt prehod mladih – Quo Vadis? (Eng.: The Youth Transition Project – Quo Vadis?) was presented on the website of the Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia.
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An article entitled ‘For an easier transition to employment’ was published in the Nedeljski Dnevnik newspaper.
The Youth Transition project was presented at Poletna šola 2020: Jaz pod lupo (Eng.: Summer School: Me Under a Magnifying Glass):
An article entitled “Projekt prehod mladih v luči Korona virusa (Eng.: The Youth Transition Project in Light of the Coronavirus) was presented on the website of the Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia.
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Panel discussion: Vulnerable Youth Groups in the Labour Market
The University of Novo Mesto, Faculty of Economics and Informatics, along with the Faculty of Business and Management and both alumni clubs, organised a panel discussion entitled Vulnerable Youth Groups in the Labour Market. The participants offered advice on overcoming the challenges being faced in the area of youth employment, especially when employing those with special needs. The Youth Transition project was presented within this context.
Some panel discussion highlights:–
Some other posts related to the event:
The Youth Transition project was presented on the show Svetovalni servis (Eng.: Counselling Service) where journalist Petra Medved interviewed project coordinator Maja Zovko Stele:
RTV SLO presented the YOUTH TRANSITION project on their show Na kratko (Eng.: Brifly addressed).
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14.5–17. 5. 2019
Panel discussion held in multiple locations: “Systemic error – a discussion on the transition of young people with special needs to the labour market”
Within the EU Project, My Project campaign, a panel discussion entitled Systemic error – a discussion on the transition of young people with special needs to the labour market was held at four locations in Slovenia – Nova Gorica, Kranj, Novo mesto and Murska Sobota – between the 14th and 17th of May. Representatives from the fields of education, health, and the social spheres, together with Slovenian Employment Services representatives and employers, illustrated the current state of the “systemic error” and offered some solutions in a discussion afterwards.
The participants agreed that we have relatively well-established educational and vocational systems for young people with special needs in Slovenia. At the same time, they pointed out that we are lacking an effective link between the two rather unconnected systems. This gap (the so-called “systemic error”) can be closed by the activities carried out by the YOUTH TRANSITION project, which seems to be an effective interface between the educational and vocational systems.
The attendees pointed out that inter-ministerial cooperation is indispensable. They recognized the importance of establishing a single system which aims at facilitating the transition of young people with special needs from school to the labour market. The participants in the panel discussions agreed that after the end of the project, the services provided within the YOUTH TRANSITION pilot project should continue within the existing vocational-rehabilitation system, thus providing young people with special needs a quick and efficient path to the labour market.
An article entitled Prehod mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela-sistemska napaka? (Eng.: The transition of young people with special needs to the labour market – a systemic error?) was published in the newspaper Gorenjski glas.
More at:—sistemska-napaka-/&template=prclanek
14.5.2019 published an announcement on the panel discussion entitled Sistemska napaka – pogovor o prehodu mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela (Eng.: Systemic error – a discussion on the transition of young people with special needs to the labour market), to be held in Murska Sobota on the 15th of May 2019 within the EU Project, My Project campaign.
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The newspaper Gorenjski glas published an announcement on the panel discussion Sistemska napaka – pogovor o prehodu mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela (Eng.: Systemic error – a discussion on the transition of young people with special needs to the labour market), to be held in Kranj on the 16th of May 2019 within the EU Project, My Project campaign.
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An article entitled Prehod mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela-sistemska napaka? (Eng.: The transition of young people with special needs to the labour market – a systemic error?) was published in the newspaper Žurnal 24.
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The newspaper Dolenjski list published an announcement on the panel discussion Sistemska napaka – pogovor o prehodu mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela (Eng.: Systemic error – a discussion on the transition of young people with special needs to the labour market), to be held in Novo mesto on the 17th of May 2019 within the EU Project, My Project campaign.
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Goriški Portal published an announcement on the panel discussion Sistemska napaka – pogovor o prehodu mladih s posebnimi potrebami na trg dela (Eng.: Systemic error – a discussion on the transition of young people with special needs to the labour market), to be held in Nova Gorica on the 14th of May 2019 within the EU Project, My Project campaign.
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26.3.3019, TV MARIBOR
TV Maribor presented the YOUTH TRANSITION project on their Tele M news.
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22. 3. 2019 RTV SLO
RTV SLO (Slovenian national TV) presented the YOUTH TRANSITION project on their show Dobro jutro (Eng.: Good Morning).
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The YOUTH TRANSITION project was presented at a panel discussion entitled Young people with special needs on the labour market, which was held at the Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana.
5. 3. 2019 VAL 202
The radio station Val 202 presented the YOUTH TRANSITION project on their broadcast Poslovne krivulje (Eng.: Business Curves). In the discussion, presented by journalist Tatjana Pirc, not only the project but also the experiences of a professional working on the project, a school counsellor, and a student were portrayed.
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11th annual “Informativa” Education and Profession Fair

9. 11. 2018 DELO
In the daily newspaper Delo, the YOUTH TRANSITION project was presented by journalist Božena Križnik in her article Da mladi s posebnimi potrebami po koncu šolanja ne bi obtičali doma (Eng.: How young people with special needs can avoid being stuck at home after completing their studies).
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20. 5. 2018
POP TV presented the YOUTH TRANSITION project on the 24-hour news as part of their show Fokus (Eng.: Focus), which looked at the employment of people with disabilities. The show stressed the importance of employment for people with disabilities. In addition, it sought answers to questions on where they can be employed and how they can actively participate in getting a job and live independently. One of the most topical issues on the show was young people with special needs who, after schooling, remain without work for too long and somehow become lost in the system, and within this context the purpose of the YOUTH TRANSITION project was presented.
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Career Signpost for Students with Special Needs
At the Career Signpost for Students with Special Needs which took place on the 17th of May 2018 at the Faculty of Economics, some programmes were presented in which people with special needs could participate during and after their studies. The coordinators of the YOUTH TRANSITION project participated in the organisation of the event together with the Career Center of the University of Ljubljana and the Society of Disabled Students of Slovenia. The whole event was broadcast live on the Facebook page of the Career Center of the University of Ljubljana.
Press Conference on the YOUTH TRANSITION Project
At this press conference, the main objective and goals of the YOUTH TRANSITION project were presented by representatives of the Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Providers, namely project manager Karl Destovnik and project coordinators Tatjana Dolinšek, MSc. and Maja Zovko Stele MSc., and by the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Anja Kopač Mrak, Ph.D. In addition, some solutions offered by the project, as well as some first-hand experiences and results from practice, were presented.
16. 5. 2018
The daily newspaper Dnevnik published an article on the YOUTH TRANSITION project entitled V štirih letih nameravajo 2100 mladih s posebnimi potrebami približati trgu dela (Eng.: 2100 young people with special needs to be closer to the labour market within four years).
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10. 4. 2018
The online magazine Študent (Eng.: Student) published an article in which the YOUTH TRANSITION project was presented.
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